Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Top Applications... Part I

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I am a big embracer of technology.  I think that it's a fine line that I walk though.  While there is much to be said for technology, I think there can become an over dependance on it.  That being said… I am often asked by many about the different applications which I use very often.  I want to share the top five applications which I use most significantly in my day to day life as well as my studies while I am here in seminary.  I'll let you know if the application is cross platform or not.  




 The first application is Dropbox.  Dropbox is an essential for someone like myself who works off of multiple devices and various locations.  To put it simply Dropbox is "cloud" based file storage/sharing application which allows you to keep your most important files accessible from wherever you are.  Dropbox creates a folder on your computer or laptop and syncs this folder (and all folders within it) to a server in the "cloud".  In doing so you have access to this folder from your iPhone, iPad, android phone, or any computer which has internet access.  Additionally, you are able to add dropbox to all your computers.  This allows you to access as well as update any files you use regularly.  This is especially useful when doing research, or if you have forms that you need to email to people regularly.  The way I use dropbox most often is for keeping all my research and notes.   Most importantly, I use dropbox as the location for all my class notes which I take on my next most important app, Notability.  In my next post I'll share with you more about Notability